📈 Portfolio Rebalance Optimizer

Find Your Optimal Asset Allocation

Enter your risk tolerance and see how we allocate weights among various assets (stocks, bonds, REITs, etc.) to maximize the portfolio score. No AI, just a simple enumerated Markowitz approach.

  • Internal data for multiple assets
  • Score = expectedReturn - (riskTol × volatility)
  • Share your constraints via URL for collaboration

Perfect for quick rebalancing checks and exploring risk–return trade-offs.

Input Your Risk Tolerance

Best Allocation

Score: -0.86

Expected Return: 4.00 %

Volatility: 4.86 %


  • US Stocks: 0%
  • Intl Stocks: 10%
  • US Bonds: 50%
  • REITs: 20%
  • Gold: 20%

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